In the Media

Take a look at the media buzz for our travel specialist Wanda S. Radetti and the services of the – Tasteful Croatian Journeys team.

In search of Croatian Wine all year round

February 4, 2015

Most wineries are open throughout a year. You usually phone in advance and book a visit. Again, if you’re completely new to Croatian wines, it might be difficult to know which winery you want to visit. Also it’s not unusual for tourists to get lost finding a winery tucked away in a small village in the hills. Your best approach is to book a wine tour through a few trustworthy guides. These people are passionate wine enthusiasts who know winemakers personally. A day wine tour with a guide can turn into an exciting exploration that will show you Croatia off the beaten path. Look no further than these guides… [including] Tasteful Croatian Journeys…Read More

Croatia — The Editor’s Itinerary


Trips of a lifetime: Only Here, Only Now

The best way to get around Croatia is on the water, whether with private yacht charters or through the country’s surprisingly reliable network of public ferries. A Croatia expert like Wanda S. Radetti of Tasteful Croatian Journeys can arrange all the tickets and set up time-saving—not to mention scenic—seaplane transfers between cities like Pula and Split…Read More

Traveler Help Desk: We Answer Your Travel Questions

August 26, 2015

While travel planning can be the most exciting part of a trip, it can also be the most daunting. Consider this your personal vacation hotline, with advice from our editors and travel specialists…


“What’s the best way to get around [Croatia]?”

By water, no question—whether with private yacht charters or through the country’s surprisingly reliable network of public ferries. A Croatia expert like Wanda S. Radetti of Tasteful Croatian Journeys can arrange all the tickets and set up time-saving—not to mention scenic—seaplane transfers between cities like Pula and Split…Read More

Istria — coastal treasure of great climate, food and wine

July 12, 2015

…But if you’d like to leave the planning to the professionals, I suggest you contact Wanda S. Radetti — awarded the top travel specialist for Croatia by Conde Nast Traveler Magazine since 2006 — at She’s in New York City when she’s not in Croatia and her phone number is 718-932-6893. Wanda set up a half-day tour of mountain towns with guide and driver that was absolutely wonderful, and enlightening. She can also make suggestions and help with accommodations and more. She’s most helpful and will put together a first class itinerary for visitors…Read More

Wanda Radetti of Visit Croatia joins Transformed Traveler

March 4, 2015

Transformed Traveler welcomes back Wanda Radetti, awarded The World’s Top Travel Specialist for Croatia by Conde Nast…Listen Here

Il viaggio della mia vita: dal Quarnero a New York con Fiume sempre nel cuore

February 21, 2015
Incontro Wanda S. Radetti un sabato pomeriggio nella hall di un famoso albergo nel centro di Fiume. Non la conoscevo di persona, come capita in queste occasioni, prima di recarsi all’appuntamento, ci si informa sul personaggio che si va a intervistare. Così ho fatto anche io e devo dire che già facendo una ricerca veloce su internet, e parlando con alcuni colleghi, mi ero fatto l’idea che la signora Wanda era una persona piena di vita, infaticabile, instancabile, che ha vissuto, e continua a vivere, un percorso denso di emozioni, di scoperte, conoscenze, che l’hanno portata a diventare uno dei punti di riferimento nel suo settore: il turismo di lusso in Croazia…Read More

Investicije u hotelskoj industriji: uspješni modeli

January 15, 2015

…Adria Hotel Forum, u svojem tre?em izdanju omogu?uje sudionicima diskusiju na temu uspješnih primjera koji su se ostvarili s ciljem poticanja investicija i razvoja. Forum je zamišljen kao krug stru?njaka iz industrije koji svojim djelovanjem mogu potaknuti važne i potrebne strukturne promjene. Cilj Foruma je poticaj na komunikaciju i razmjenu mišljenja te predstavljanje svjetskih primjera koje su omogu?ile razvoj u svojim mati?nim gradovima/ zemljama.

Ove godine, Adria Hotel Forum ?e ugostiti preko 50 panelista, od ?ega preko 25 me?unarodnih stru?njaka. Najavljujemo neke od panelista (s linkovima na sve njihove materijale): Wanda S. Radetti,, generalna direktorica i osniva?ica…Read More


U Hrvatskoj dominira sezonski turizam!

February 13, 2015

…Posljednji panel Adria Hotel Foruma 2015 otvorio je temu: “Hrvatska je luksuzna destinacija – što o tome misle akteri luksuznog turizma?”, kojom je moderirala Matina ?urovi?. Na po?etno pitanje: što je danas luksuz? Jesu li to ustaljeni brendovi ili vrijeme koje nam nedostaje, Matina je od panelista dobila raznolike odgovore. Danas gost koji traži luksuz ima izme?u 30 i 49 godina, traži umjetnost, povijest, shopping, jedrenje, skijanje, avanturu..Na panelu je bilo govora ima li Hrvatska luksuzne destinacije, mogu li se Dubrovnik i Hvar uspore?ivati s St.Tropezom, kako produljiti sezonalnost u sklopu luksuznog proizvoda, koji su izazovi pri organiziranju luksuznih putovanja u Hrvatskoj… Luksuz dolazi u osobnom odnosu i odre?enom iskustvu koje gosta dotakne intimno, smatra panelistica Wanda S.Radetti (…Read More


Održan Adria Hotel Forum 2015

February 12, 2015

U zagreba?kom hotelu Sheraton 11. i 12. velja?e održana je tre?a konferencija Adria Hotel Forum, na temu temu “Investicije u hotelskoj industriji”. Konferencija je u dva dana ugostila tristotinjak sudionika, od ?ega pedesetak doma?ih i stranih stru?njaka – predava?a i panelista – iz hotelske industrije, a otvorio ju je ministar turizma Darko Lorencin.

…Luksuz dolazi u osobnom odnosu i odre?enom iskustvu koje gosta dotakne intimno, smatra panelistica Wanda S. Radetti, osniva?ica…Read More

Adria Hotel Forum, 11.-12.02.2015, Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb

January 29, 2015

…Adria Hotel Forum 2015 presents an international exhibition of panelists… [who will speak about] issues such as destinations, base demand, project financing, investors’ overview on the region, sustainability, luxury travel and others… Some of the panelists at this year’s AHF… [include] Wanda S. Radetti, CEO,…Read More


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