In the Media

Take a look at the media buzz for our travel specialist Wanda S. Radetti and the services of the – Tasteful Croatian Journeys team.

Time-Saving New Ways To Travel From The U.S. To Croatia

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May 12, 2021

Delta and United recently announced plans for non-stop service from the New York area to Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and, as a filming location for Game of Thrones, a magnet for hundreds of thousands of fans of the show in recent years.

Wanda Radetti, founder and president of Tasteful Croatian Journeys, which specializes in custom itineraries to the country (Condé Nast Traveler has listed her as the World Top Destination Specialist for Croatia since 2006)…

Can Americans travel to Croatia? Ask a travel expert

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Sept. 2, 2020

To call Wanda Radetti, the founder and president of Tasteful Croatian Journeys, a Croatia travel expert is a bit of an understatement. Not only is she an award-winning travel advisor who has been specializing in Croatia before it was anything like the A-list destination it has become, she’s also a key consultant to inbound providers, helping them adapt to changing trends in the travel industry.

Okusi i mirisi Zadra usred urbane džugle New Yorka

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February 1, 2020

Naravno da je među gostima bila i Wanda Radetti, podrijetlom Riječanka, koja nas je dočekala s pohvalama tipa “sve što dolazi iz Hrvatske je lijepo” ali i iz “Zadra, Zadar, taj lijepi Zadar kojem tako nedostaju hoteli…”.

Wanda Radetti: Želim da se Amerikanci puni pozitivnih dojmova uskoro vraćaju i iz Zadra!

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July 24, 2019

Postoji izreka koja kaže kako je putovanje bitnije od odredišta. Ipak, kad je riječ o Amerikancima dubljeg džepa, onda i to odredište postaje itekako bitna stavka. Dobro je to iskoristila jedna od najuspješnijih putnih savjetnica za Hrvatsku i vlasnica ugledne američke turističke agencije “Tasteful Croatian Journeys”, Wanda Radetti. Ona je svoje bogato znanje o povijesti i kulturi Lijepe naše te svoju strast prema putovanjima pretvorila u odličan business. Nije to došlo preko noći, trebale su godine truda, rada, istraživanja, pokušaja i pogrešaka.

With American Airlines You Can Now Fly Nonstop To Dubrovnik from U.S.

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May 11, 2019

“We are beginning to find booking the luxury hotels we recommend in the city to be a challenge,” says Wanda S. Radetti, the founder and president of Croatian Journeys, cited by Conde Nast Traveler as the World Top Travel Specialist for Croatia for more than a decade. “We start checking availability for desired room types and booking for July and August at least seven to eight months in advance.” Among her recommended places to stay are the Hotel Bellevue Dubrovnik [Adriatic Luxury Hotels], which recently underwent an extensive refurbishment. “It is located on a cliff overlooking a beautiful pebble beach away from the crowds and yet is just a 15-minute walk to Pile Gate [the entrance to the Old Town]. We love it and so do our travelers.” Another property on Radetti’s list is St. Joseph’s, a restored 16th-century property in the Old Town. “This is a small family-owned-and-run hotel. What makes St. Joseph fresh and new for me is its ability to weave old and new, and to have a combination of superlative service and the magic of being within the walls of Dubrovnik.”

“Five Michelin Stars Light the Way to Croatia’s Gastronomic Landscape”

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April 1, 2019

Wanda Radetti of Tasteful Journeys, said, “The Michelin stars illuminating the gastronomic scene of Croatia are well-deserved, and I believe this is just the beginning — the birth of a constellation.”

INTERVIEW – Wanda S. Radetti – Croatia already offers much to the American traveller

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Nov. 30, 2018

Wanda Radetti has been on a journey for most of her life, and we all know that the journey is more important than the destination. A travel specialist with a capital T. Her considerable inside knowledge of Croatia has opened so many new doors for her clients. In fact, she has been awarded the “The World Top Travel Specialist for Croatia” by Condé Nast Traveller Magazine since 2006.

Why Visit Croatia? Here Are 12 Reasons To Go Now

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July 29, 2018

Thanks in part to that dazzling World Cup run, Croatia is buzzier than ever, although each year increasing numbers of travelers seek out this idyllic haven on the Adriatic, known for its richly historic and evocative cities, exceptional food and wine, and heavenly sailing waters. Wanda S. Radetti, the founder and president of Croatian Journey cited by Conde Nast Traveler magazine as the World Top Travel Specialist for Croatia for more than a decade, knows the country inside and out. Here she shares her recommendations on where to go and what to eat and see.

For Croatia Trips, Appealing Prices for Packages and Flights – by Shivani Vora

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July 14, 2017

A holiday to Croatia, even during peak season in August and September, doesn’t have to be expensive, according to Wanda S. Radetti the owner of Tasteful Croatian Journeys, a company specialized in custom private trips to Croatia.

Hidden Luxury Hotels to Visit in Croatia – by Matt Turner

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April 3, 2017

Croatia luxury travel specialist, Wanda Radetti considers the town of Novigrad in the northwest Istria region one of her favorites. She says it’s elegant, quaint, well-managed and mostly free of tourists. Here, the family-owned Rivalmare Boutique Hotel, managed by Danijela Hodžić (, opened in 2016. It has 12 double rooms and a Grand Luxury Suite with a large terrace, a spa bath and sauna.

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