January 15, 2015
…Adria Hotel Forum, u svojem tre?em izdanju omogu?uje sudionicima diskusiju na temu uspješnih primjera koji su se ostvarili s ciljem poticanja investicija i razvoja. Forum je zamišljen kao krug stru?njaka iz industrije koji svojim djelovanjem mogu potaknuti važne i potrebne strukturne promjene. Cilj Foruma je poticaj na komunikaciju i razmjenu mišljenja te predstavljanje svjetskih primjera koje su omogu?ile razvoj u svojim mati?nim gradovima/ zemljama.
Ove godine, Adria Hotel Forum ?e ugostiti preko 50 panelista, od ?ega preko 25 me?unarodnih stru?njaka. Najavljujemo neke od panelista (s linkovima na sve njihove materijale): Wanda S. Radetti, VisitCroatia.com, generalna direktorica i osniva?ica…Read More
February 13, 2015
…Posljednji panel Adria Hotel Foruma 2015 otvorio je temu: “Hrvatska je luksuzna destinacija – što o tome misle akteri luksuznog turizma?”, kojom je moderirala Matina ?urovi?. Na po?etno pitanje: što je danas luksuz? Jesu li to ustaljeni brendovi ili vrijeme koje nam nedostaje, Matina je od panelista dobila raznolike odgovore. Danas gost koji traži luksuz ima izme?u 30 i 49 godina, traži umjetnost, povijest, shopping, jedrenje, skijanje, avanturu..Na panelu je bilo govora ima li Hrvatska luksuzne destinacije, mogu li se Dubrovnik i Hvar uspore?ivati s St.Tropezom, kako produljiti sezonalnost u sklopu luksuznog proizvoda, koji su izazovi pri organiziranju luksuznih putovanja u Hrvatskoj… Luksuz dolazi u osobnom odnosu i odre?enom iskustvu koje gosta dotakne intimno, smatra panelistica Wanda S.Radetti (VisitCroatia.com)…Read More
February 12, 2015
U zagreba?kom hotelu Sheraton 11. i 12. velja?e održana je tre?a konferencija Adria Hotel Forum, na temu temu “Investicije u hotelskoj industriji”. Konferencija je u dva dana ugostila tristotinjak sudionika, od ?ega pedesetak doma?ih i stranih stru?njaka – predava?a i panelista – iz hotelske industrije, a otvorio ju je ministar turizma Darko Lorencin.
…Luksuz dolazi u osobnom odnosu i odre?enom iskustvu koje gosta dotakne intimno, smatra panelistica Wanda S. Radetti, osniva?ica VisitCroatia.com…Read More
January 29, 2015
…Adria Hotel Forum 2015 presents an international exhibition of panelists… [who will speak about] issues such as destinations, base demand, project financing, investors’ overview on the region, sustainability, luxury travel and others… Some of the panelists at this year’s AHF… [include] Wanda S. Radetti, CEO, VisitCroatia.com…Read More
…Obzirom da je od najranijih dana Hrvatske po?ela s organizacijom luksuznih putovanja iz Sjedinjenih država i diljem svijeta u Hrvatsku—prije nego li je Hrvatska postala „vru?a, nova destinacija“—Wanda je morala prije?i mnoge politi?ke prepreke, te na probijanje granica gleda kao na prilike za izgradnju mostova prijateljstva i kulturalnih razmjena. Ona sofisticiranom i obrazovanom putniku otvara relativno nepoznatu zemlju, otkrivaju?i svoje iskrene uvide u njene ?iste prirodne ljepote i drevne lokalne tradicije…Read More
June 11, 2015
…Wanda S. Radetti is a New York City-based travel expert widely regarded for her ability to design personalized itineraries and “enchanting discovery journeys in the pursuit of sensory pleasures.” The popular Croatia – Flavors of Spring tour takes you… [on] a journey that is “elegantly interlaced with the threads of history, art and culture.” In addition, Wanda can arrange private cooking lessons with professional chefs; “meet the winemaker” visits and tastings at local wineries; and fishing excursions in the Adriatic Sea so that afterwards you can dine on your catch of the day, pop open a few bottles of wine you collected along the way, and raise your glass with a hearty, “Ciao, Wanda!” (her signature greeting)…Read More
June 26, 2014
…According to the travel company Tasteful Croatian Journeys, the wellness culture in Croatia was “originally medicinal in purpose — about health and not necessarily pampering… it was not costly or luxurious. Treatments targeted things like breathing and heart conditions. But the culture has been elaborated now into what we can call spas.” Knowing it is a way to attract more visitors, the country has been up upping its game when it comes to “Americanized” luxurious spas, although all based on the idea that these treatments lead to a healthier and longer life…Read More
October 9, 2013
…Every year since 2006, Wanda Radetti, owner of Tasteful Croatian Journeys in New York, has been the go-to expert cited by Conde Nast Traveler as a “Top Destination Specialist” for Croatia. We asked for her thoughts on villa vacations: “Croatia is a ‘hot’ country, and the luxury villa experience is going to be very important, both along the coast and offshore islands, but also in the interior,” she says…
She outlines what sounds like a perfect and tasteful Croatian journey, one beginning in the historic capital of Zagreb, and departing from the UNESCO World Heritage city of Dubrovnik, and in-between dividing time between a villa stay in Istria and a luxury gulet cruise along the Adriatic coast from Split to Dubrovnik, with calls en-route including such fabulous islands as Mljet, Hvar and Korcula…Read More
…Wanda designs the ultimate in tailor-made luxurious travel packages to Croatia. Her itineraries weave history and culture together with natural beauty while engaging all of the senses. The emphasis is always comfort, safety, and excellence in service.
They are a one-stop-shop for all services that the sophisticated and discerning traveler will require in Croatia. They organize services ranging from charming unique accommodations with private chauffeur driven transfers and professional local guides to wine tastings, cooking lessons, yacht charters, private shore excursions, heritage discovery tours, and other experiences handcrafted to the interests of their clientele…Read More
…A passionate Italian-Croatian, Wanda has led her life with a quest for adventure and enlightenment through travel, dedicating the most recent decades to unveiling the hidden treasures of her ancestral and spiritual home of Croatia and its surrounding regions. Wanda creates customized itineraries like a composer arranging a musical masterpiece, collecting notes about each individual client’s desires and needs and forming them into a harmonious journey of a lifetime. Her lyricism and expertise of Croatia is second to none…Read More
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