Blog Breadcrumbs

My Personal Journey of Discovery

Dear friends,

Today Croatia and its surrounding countries are a most longed for vacation destination for our most sophisticated travelers from the United States, Canada, South America and from other places of the World.

I was born in Rijeka, although at that time it was known as Fiume, but grew up as an immigrant in New York City. In 1994, as the “last war” was winding down, I felt I needed to return and learn about my Italian-Croatian Heritage and the home that we were compelled to leave behind as our family began our journey into the refugee camps of Italy, and eventually to our new home in the United States of America.
For years I listened to my mother recount her memories of a home that was no longer ours and watched the tears flow as they caressed her cheeks. But her eyes would shine with delight when she spoke to me in exalted terms of the beauty of Croatia.

When in 1994, I started my personal journey of discovery, I was fascinated by the complexity of the history and culture of Croatia, but most of all I was totally seduced by the splendor, the sheer beauty that envelopes this little, multifaceted, country of Europe.

I was excited by my findings and wanted to share what I learned with anyone that would listen. At a time when hardly anyone knew how to find Croatia or former Yugoslavia on the map, armed with pencil and paper, I was always ready to draw the map of Europe.

I also confirmed to all those who asked that “yes, Croatia has always been part of Europe” and, “no, it was never a part of Russia”.

I have been invested in the sheer enjoyment of sharing my passion, my heart, and the coloratura of my Italian-Croatian Heritage with some of the most amazing travelers that reach out to me from around the World.
Twenty years later, I am still in state of discovery and continue to burst with pure gusto each time I speak with a traveler who asks me to weave the threads of culture, food, wine and history into extraordinary experiences that they forever cherish in their personal “Happy Memories of Croatia” drawer.

How fortunate am I to have been charmed by a profession that affords me the opportunity to share my passion for adventure, curiosity, and desire to develop bridges of friendship beyond political and national borders.

For more than two decades, in the course of my personal journey of discovery I have developed a network of personal and professional relationships that invite me to fall in love over and over again with Croatia and its surrounding countries.
Shaped on my personal knowledge of quality experiences, I have composed luxurious interludes that touch the hearts, engage the senses, and regularly exceed the expectations of the worlds’ most discriminating travelers.

I am honored and thrilled to be able to share the visions, delights, and pleasures of my Croatia with my travelers. As we continue to expand our network and add new threads to help us weave our carpet of knowledge, I remain engaged, and continue to look for new frontiers, new experiences, and new pleasures that will expand mind and heart that I can share with you.

It is with this intention that I, together with my team, announce the creation of our new blog, “Exploring Croatia and more, Tastefully”

As we prepare for the Celebration of one of my favorite holidays, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Condé Nast Traveler for choosing me for the 13th consecutive year as the 2018 “World Top Destination Specialist for Croatia.” I am truly grateful and honored.
I gratefully acknowledge that Tasteful Croatian Journeys’ success is a direct result of the commitment our team of professionals provide, orchestrating experiences that result in perfect interludes, responding to the requirements and expectations of our travelers.
In celebration of Thanksgiving, I share my award and I give thanks for the help, dedication and support that we receive from all that are part of the trusted Tasteful Croatian Journeys team in Croatia and the surrounding countries.
Our Travelers, the most exquisite, inquisitive, delightful travelers, to each one, I extend my profound gratitude for the trust and the privilege that you bestow when you engage our team to compose your personal Tasteful Croatian Journeys interlude.

To my fellow travel professionals, family and friends, thank you for your patience, your understanding, your help and for your support.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

May your Thanksgiving celebration be a moment of peace, gratitude, generosity and kindness.

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