Good afternoon, Wanda.
A most memorable and special journey!
How does one put into words the feelings of heartfelt joy and deep soulful connection with one’s ancestral and familial roots? I am no Hemingway, but I can assure you that we were emotionally moved to our very core, with hearts welling up, tears aflow, lips quivering and arms embracing, as we visited the village of Skare. We will always remember and never forget that your team, especially Mirela, researched, reached out and networked in our behalf with Djuro Pavicic, Jovo and Savka Poznic to make the arrangements for our visit to the village even more enlightening and memorable. We are so grateful to Mirela for her selfless efforts from the outset and throughout our journey. Hvala puno, Mirela!
We would be remiss if we also did not give thanks and extend our appreciation to all the members of your team. They were not only very knowledgeable and informative about the history and current events of Croatia, but also, and perhaps more importantly, so warm, gracious and welcoming. Special mention and acknowledgement to our favorites, Lea, Jure and Josip for their unique engagement with us. We truly enjoyed our time spent together with them. Also, we thank Tia for her responsiveness and communications regarding the administrative matters from the early planning stages to the final itinerary of our journey.
Finally, thank you, Wanda. You listened to our interests, thoughts and dreams of a journey to our families’ homeland. You advised us and presented a plan that took into account our interests and thoughts and made our dreams into reality. You assembled your team and executed the plan to perfection. The accommodations, tours, recommendations of restaurants and activities, team members, the entire itinerary, everything was so very enjoyable, special and memorable to us. You are a true professional. We are delighted to have worked together with you.
Once again, many thanks. Puno vam hvala za sve!
Daniel Skaljac – Brecksville, OH
May 2019