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What is next for Dubrovnik after Kings Landing?

I had a very interesting conversation today with one of my fabulous Travel Designers, Tara, about the phenomenon that brought so much attention to Dubrovnik, and Croatia – Of course, we are speaking of the HBO epic, Game of Thrones. We recognize that something that has brought so much attention, is now coming to an end.  – the penultimate episode airs this Sunday.

Dubrovnik is at a crossroads – it has received so much attention, and now it may be striving to shape the vision that will take it into the future.


Find here some of Tara’s thoughts and questions on this interesting question….



– Wanda S. Radetti




George R.R. Martin’s and HBO’s, Game of Thrones, created an impressive fantasy world, made up of numerous cities, kingdoms, and palaces across the “Seven Kingdoms of Westeros”. Fans, and casual viewers are often struck by the complex storyline, the costumes, the vast entanglements of the characters, the violence, and the exotic, and breathtaking locations. The internet is awash of searches seeking the earthy sites of the fictional locations. Of the real-life exotic locals, none has garnered greater attention, and intrigue than Dubrovnik.

The first of the books was published in 1996, while the first episode of the HBO show aired in April 2011. Since then, GOT has gained a cult-like following. A pop culture phenomenon, the show stacked up impressive viewership numbers, and silenced critics that believed medieval fantasy wouldn’t go mainstream. The story is coming to end however, after much hype and frustration, its lingering final season, consisting of only 7 episodes, began airing in April.

Two episodes remain – both, presumably, centered around the fictional setting of King’s Landing, which even casual viewers (if there are any) know to be the iconic, Old City of Dubrovnik. Much of the series, and many of its most famous scenes, takes place here. Fans are intimately familiar with many of the details of the actual Dubrovnik; St. Dominic Street, The Minceta Tower, Ploce Gate, the Ethnographic museum, Fort Lovrijenac, St. Blaise’s Church, the Rector’s Palace.

Episode 4 aired last Sunday, and indicates an immense battle is coming to King’s Landing (Dubrovnik), which thanks to the help of CGI, is a sprawling metropolis. The battle puts at risk the city’s population, as well as the very existence of the city, that is if a fire breathing dragon is put to use in its destruction. Reigning over Kings Landing is the villain Cersei Lannister, who has herself brought destruction to the city, as a result of a brutal and complete, elimination of her advisories.

The question now remains – for the fictional city, and its real-world correlative – what will come of this place?

After the final 120 minutes have been revealed, how will fans feel about King’s Landing?  – Sentimentality? Anger? Tenderness? Judgement? Longing?


For the many millions of viewers who were struck by the beauty of Dubrovnik, whose fascination it captured, whose dreams were visited by visions of experiencing this medieval relic – will those dreams cease?

Will the magic and mystery around this beautiful, other-worldly place, fade from their memory? Will their curiosity, and desire to walk the time worn stone steps diminish, or disappear?

What will become of the destination that emerged and rose to fame and popularity over these last 8 years when it no longer a weekly fixture in the imagination of millions?

How will Dubrovnik evolve post Game of Thrones?



About the Author:

Luxury Travel Designer and Destination Specialist, Tara Busch, has had a love of travel and an adventurous spirit since childhood. Tara’s background as a history and geography teacher, and avid world travel fueled her dream of pursuing a career in travel. Always seeking out authentic experiences, she enjoys spending time with locals, trying regional cuisine and slow travel.

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